Special educational needs

SEN background and context Staff meeting
an intro to SEN background and context
space for you to add your school data
CPD / staff meeting / training

Supporting SEN in the classroom Staff Meeting
Exploring the EEF guidance on High quality teaching approaches for learners with SEND and applying them to daily practice.
Staff Meeting / CPD / Teacher Training
Includes a short video, tasks, research summary and reflections

Selective Mutism Staff Meeting
Selective Mutism Staff Meeting / CPD / INSET / Teacher Training
Videos and research included
Space to add photos/images
Explanation, causes and how school can help

SEN Scaffolding and Differentiation Staff Meeting
SEN Scaffolding and Differentiation Staff Meeting
PPT with speaker notes
Tasks for Teachers
CPD / Teacher Training / Staff Meeting

Outline of the main SEND needs and strategies Staff Meeting
Outline of the main SEND needs and strategies Staff Meeting / CPD / INSET / Teacher Training
This presentation includes an outline of the main SEND needs at X (insert your school here), and an overview of strategies you could adapt to support students who have these needs.
You have space to add your own context
Then there are slides outlining the different types, how might it manifest itself and classroom strategies for the following areas of need:
Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)
Autistic Spectrum Condition/Disorder (ASD)
Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Sensory/Physical Difficulties

Making your classroom dyslexia-friendly Staff Meeting
Staff Meeting / CPD / Teacher Training / Inset
Making your classroom dyslexia-friendly PPT slides
waves of support
The inclusive classroom
How will I recognise dyslexic learners?
How can a positive classroom ethos
How can I improve access to the curriculum?
How can grouping help?
How can I help learners to develop
independent organisational skills?
How can I foster the self-esteem of
ALL, including dyslexic,
How can I foster the self-esteem of
dyslexic students?
What specific difficulties might dyslexic learners have with Mathematics?
How can I help learners in mathematics?
How can display help?
How can I use ‘positive feedback’?
Planning and delivering effective small
group / individual interventions
Individualised schemes of work
Successful teaching of reading
Successful teaching of spelling
What is a survival kit ?
The effective use of ICT
Dyslexia Screening
Special arrangements for SATS
Useful resources and contacts

Blank Level Questioning Staff Meeting
CPD Training slides for teachers
Introducing blanks level questions
With activities

Scaffolding Examples Crib Sheet(s) for teachers
Scaffolding Examples
This is by no means an exhaustive list but gives suggestions in each category of task. Not all suggestions will be relevant to all pupils – you may decide to choose a range from different sections or just one or two from one section.
Broken into Heavy, Medium and Light Scaffolding for the following areas:
Essay questions:
Research task:
Note taking:
Project work:
Group tasks:
Targeted questions:
Great resource to be shared with all teachers of all subjects as it can be applicable across the curriculum

My Transition Book
A social story with spaces to add your own photos. We make one for the class and also make individual ones for children with SEN or Social and Emotional needs who we feel will need more support with the transition to next year.
Use to prepare children for their new teacher, new classroom etc.

Optical Illusions Slides
Slides on optical illusions. Great for promoting conversations and discussions in class. I have used this with EYFS children. Suitable for language interventions.

Social Stories Bundle
13 social stories
having a good day, using words, separation, hands and feet to myself, friends don't want to play, telling the truth, putting things in mouth, winning or loosing, lining up, listening to the teacher, good touching, appropriate touching

SEN in Primary Subjects Bundle
SEN in Primary Subjects Bundle
Subject sheets included:
Spanish (can be adapted for any MFL)
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?